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Photo of Ed Lawrance, Head of Division - joined Nimble in November 2023 from his role as Principal Consultant at InfinityWorks / Accenture.
Ed Lawrance, Head of Division – joined Nimble in November 2023 from his role as Principal Consultant at InfinityWorks / Accenture.

What’s your role at Nimble and what are you here to do?

My role at Nimble is Head of Division, which isn’t being in charge of how many times one number goes into another!! My role is to manage a portfolio of clients and partners, ensuring that the Nimble teams are set up for success, the relationships are healthy, and that we identify opportunities for growth to benefit both our clients and Nimble.

I’m involved with finding new clients and identifying ways that Nimble can become a partner to help them solve their business problems through technology.

I also want to help develop our people within their roles and guide them to be the best that they can be.

Tell us about your journey to Nimble – How did you get into this role?

I’ve worked in Tech now for around 20 years, during which time I was a Director of Technology Delivery at and more recently a Principal Consultant for InfinityWorks/Accenture for the last 3 and a bit years. During my time at IW I ran multiple accounts within the Public and Private sectors, achieving substantial growth and helping my teams deliver some amazing projects. 

Some of the highlights were that I worked within the NHS account team for 2 years during the Covid-19 pandemic, and we made huge impacts within the Test and Trace programme and built a Data solution which the NHS declared saved over a million lives. 

Another of my teams helped a client in the Energy Sector replatform their entire systems and migrate over 5 million customers to a new, more reliable and robust solution, covering all aspects from web and mobile development, to their back end systems including debt management. 

Then when I heard of the opportunity at Nimble and the growth trajectory that the company is on, I was really excited to take the chance to join the team. 

What are you aiming to achieve at Nimble?

I’m here to help Nimble develop and grow to become one of the best Technology Consultancies in the UK and beyond. Not just for being seen as a great place to work, but also for delivering some amazing projects for some fantastic clients. I think these possibilities are well within our gift to achieve and these are the things that really motivate me.

What do you love about working in Tech?

What I love most about working in Tech, is being constantly amazed by the possibilities that can be achieved to help people. Only last week I heard a story about how Technology has moved the needle in medical advances and can be a game changer in improving the standards of surgeons performing critical operations.

As we hear more about AI in the future, I think this is a really exciting industry to be part of and we should embrace the possibilities.

What do you enjoy outside of work?

I’m very family centric and have 2 amazing young boys, aged 8 and 6, who I do everything for. We all love sport, especially football, and I really enjoy watching them play on weekends.
Besides that I love gigs and festivals, catching up with friends over a beer, films, and generally being social when possible.

Being a dad is great, but it’s really important to be able to talk about subjects other than Minecraft and PlayStation from time to time!

What was your dream job when you were at School?

I always wanted to play some form of sport for a career, I’d have even settled for being a jockey but being 6 foot 2 didn’t help that ambition!!

Can you tell us something interesting about yourself?

I once represented the country of Jordan at Rugby Union. It’s a very long story, but during my time at University I visited the country with some mates, and through contacts ended up playing Rugby and meeting the, eventual King of Jordan, Abdullah 2nd of Jordan. I was given my kit as a memento and still have it to this day.