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Cloud and DevOps

Unlock the power of the cloud.

Scale securely, flexibly and cost effectively.

Our culture of DevOps means faster, reliable development of product and services that allows you to quickly respond to change.

The power of the cloud

Cloud systems are scalable, reliable, secure, simple to operate and ultimately allow your technology to shine.

The cloud has turned IT infrastructure into a commodity. You can now focus on adding real value with amazing products or services, rather than investing in upfront build.

The power of the cloud with a DevOps culture, allows for new projects and goals to thrive. So you can deliver high quality, faster and cheaper than before.

Lights connected

Google Cloud Platform

Official Partners

Microsoft azure logo

Microsoft Azure

What we do

Meeting around a wooden table

Create and embed a DevOps culture

Working together around a computer

Release processes and tooling

Working together on a touch-screen

Migrate and optimise for the cloud

DevOps Services

We make your teams higher performing and leave you in a better place to transform your organisation.


Identify and realise your end-to-end delivery challenges, from people and process through to systems and tooling. Understanding how to achieve the most impactful changes.


Our skilled teams help you reach your goals by developing and evolving your release processes on premises or in the cloud. We’re dynamic, yet robust in implementing systems, processes and tools to support end to end releases.


We strive to create a lasting impact through partnerships not projects. We pride ourselves on helping teams upskill with full training and handovers to create a lasting effect.


DevOps is the key for businesses to improve communication and collaboration among development and operations teams. Better communication always increases the speed and quality of software delivery and deployment.

We see DevOps as an approach to organisational change that bridges the traditional, siloed teams, with new processes for greater collaboration.

This is made possible by new tools, automation, and agile practices. However, to get the most out of the DevOps movement you need the right mindset, the right skills, the right culture.

Our DevOps Culture

All our projects follow these principles.

Automation, Automation, Automation

This sits at the heart of DevOps at Nimble, we strive for autonomy over all services, applications and environmental changes. We aspire to completely automate the entire process, using CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) to manage risk through frequent, iterative changes with extensive automated tests to gate the promotion of changes through environments.


At Nimble DevOps is a part of all our practices, from our Java & .Net to Testing & Delivery practices. We ensure that communication, teamwork, and trust is encouraged by all leaders and supported through processes to create the perfect environment for collaboration.

Continuous Improvement

We believe that applying DevOps is not a step, but a journey of continuously ‘deploying improvement’ and continuously improving processes and culture. At Nimble we work iteratively, all changes / improvements have clearly defined performance feedback loops ensuring each iteration is enhancing either the outcome or the skills of the people involved.

End to End Responsibility

We believe accountability starts from concept to end-of-life, ensuring developers and operational resources are involved in all aspects of the product life cycle, including infrastructure deployment, application development, and operational functions including monitoring, troubleshooting, and even security and governance. We expect all involved to provide performance support, until products become end-of-life, this greatly enhances the level of responsibility felt and the quality of the products engineered.

Your digital ally

We don’t do things by halves, our endless drive for quality ensures a great result. So you’ll be confident in what we produce together time and time again.

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